Get Sun Daily creates skin care supplements that help protect your body from harmful outside irritants.

I was brought on by the company founder to experiment with new imagery for the website and paid advertising. We wanted a “clean“ aesthetic without losing the playful lightness prevalent throughout the brand’s other materials. This concept helped drive the creative direction as the company continued to grow. Get Sun Daily was successfully acquired by Grove in 2020. 

Primary Role
Creative Producer

Section Guide
1. The website
2. In context experiments

The Website

Get Sun Daily’s website had a light and airy feel, and we wanted to shoot some “knockouts“ that could be easily inserted into the high-graphic areas of the design. The trick with these types of shots is to make something that is not “flat“. Without the shadows, these soloed images would have no depth and appear lifeless. The lighting was key to make sure we maintained a soft shadow cast, but not so light as it would be impossible to maintain when soloing the images. 

In Context Experiments

Operating within Get Sun Daily’s pastel color palette, I also wanted to show more “in context“ shots, but with a whimsical twist. The product sits against a solid background making it pop, with just enough on the set to make each shot different, dynamic, and fun. Space is left intentionally for paid ads to be created with copy overlays. The solid background also makes it easy to expand the images to almost any size.

Behind the Scenes


